Welcome to Ashland Addison Florist, Quality and Service Since 1932
Rosy Swirls

Rosy Swirls

$ 100.00


Approximately 19 W X 19.75 H in

Capture Mom's heart with our pearlescent Teleflora's Rosy Swirls vase, radiating elegance and charm, paired with a bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms, a delightful Mother's Day surprise she'll cherish.

Create magic for Mom with Teleflora's Rosy Swirls vase, complemented by a bouquet of hot pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink and hot pink carnations, miniature carnations, pink snapdragons, light pink stock, raspberry sinuata statice, huckleberry, and dusty miller, a radiant Mother's Day surprise she'll cherish.

Disclaimer:The product pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible, and we may sometimes need to use a different vase.

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